Monday, October 1, 2012

The Journey Begins

     I feel I should start off by saying that I am not used to writing my thoughts, feelings and adventures with the whole world. I’ll be honest and say that I am a procrastinator, somewhat of a perfectionist and that I hate writing. Bear with me if I do not post for weeks at a time.  Change is not a word I embrace with open arms, and to say the least starting this blog means I need to change the way I pull out my camera, remember cute little quotes from my children and find time away from school and everyday life to write. Our lives have changed dramatically these past few months with the passing of our son and finding out that God has better plans for us than to go to PA school. I have been on an emotional roller coaster to say the least, but am determined to get past this. People say sharing things with others is supposed to help get through the tough times in our lives, so here I am.. Here are a few blessing happening in our lives right now.

       I am in school right now currently in the process of learning humanities, it is an interesting class, not my favorite though.  Our family will be moving sometime in the next few months to North Carolina, hopefully this will be a blessing and that we will be able to get plugged in with a great church like the one we go to now. Levi is growing like a weed and is in the process of learning pre-school in the convenience of our kitchen table.  Rebekah is our little dare devil and likes to push our buttons as far as they can go. She has been keeping me quite busy, which helps keep my mind off of irritating and depressing things that have been bothering me.  Life right now is calming down quite a bit, something that is well needed here in the McDowell house. God has challenged us but is also blessing us beyond measures. I will always give him the glory, for everyday on this earth is a blessing, especially to be around people I love.  Last but not least.. I am trying to get caught up in my Beth Moore study. I had to stop reading last night because so many emotions were stirring up that I began to cry..Many times actually. I am going to end each entry in my blog with an encouraging word; I will do this so that my readers do not feel they have wasted their time.  I hope this encourages you as it did for me.

      When I am feeling helpless the best thing I can do for myself is to not trust my feelings. I need to entrust my feelings to God. God has not forgotten. He has seen your battles. He has gathered your tears and blotted your brow. He knows those who have treated you unfairly and when you are almost ready to give up or give in. Keep telling God. Stay in his word. Keep claiming his promise.  Things will start looking up as they have for our family.


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