Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Graduating class of 2014

Growing up I was always the odd one out. I developed the name hermit from my parents because I enjoyed being by myself and was often caught doing my homework. I always told myself that despite being called names and being considered a nerd that I would succeed and stand out amongst the rest.  I did not have perfect grades but when I put my mind to something I either achieved my goal or over achieved. I had always wanted to go to college, partly because my children and myself would have a better future if something were to happen to Seth. But also because my love for learning and to set and example for Levi, Rebekah and Asher.
Long story short, I am proud to say my hard work has finally paid off. After two and a half years of waiting, hours of home work along with taking care of two toddlers, delivering two babies, a wedding and moving twice… I will finally be getting my degree.  
Though this may not seem like much to the average person, I have looked forward to this day for many years. On top of all of this, I will also be the first in my family to graduate college. I am not saying that I am better than my family, but it does give me a sense of pride.

Hopefully in the future while the kids are in school I can further my education. Until then I will enjoy having normal vision from not staring at a computer all day, and focus my time on being a better mother and wife.


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